Lehigh Valley Comic Con

Con TableToday, I had the opportunity to be part of the Artist Alley at Lehigh Valley Comic Con. Roughly six years ago, two of my high school friends invited me to attend this event with them. It was my first con ever and it definitely changed my life, even if I didn’t know it at the time. We went dressed as the 9th Doctor, Rose Tyler, and Jack Harkness and even came second place in their costume contest as a unit! I also remember spending a while talking to one of the artists of the Buffy comics and being really excited to find out what Joss Whedon was like in real life. At the end of the afternoon, he actually gave me a signed print of one of his pieces that I still have hanging in my apartment!

Though the venue hasn’t changed since then, I was amazed when I returned last year to find that attendance had skyrocketed! For such a small area, its a big deal to have a recurring event like this one. They put on about 4 shows a year, from March to December and always manage to fill the firehouse with excellent artists and vendors.

I was thrilled to be able to be part of this event and had a blast meeting everyone and seeing their responses to my work. I love what I do for its own sake, but there’s nothing like seeing smiles when people catch sight of my crochet! I’d say that BB-8 probably got the most attention today, and the mini version even found a new home! I guess I need to make another one!

It was wonderful to see how many kids were in attendance today! The benefit to such a small event is that its a great way for parents to introduce their kids to various geeky interest without too much insanity. I loved getting to watch their genuine enthusiasm and excitement about everything!

I’ll be returning to vend at the con on December 3rd and am thrilled! My hope is to increase my con attendance in the next year or so to a larger, but hopefully still manageable number. While its not official yet, the current plan is to be at SaikouCon in August of this year and Wizard World Philadelphia in 2017. If you’re familiar with any other cons within a few hours of Allentown, PA that you think would be a good fit for Mostly Harmless, I’d love to hear your recommendations!

Now, back to crochet! My stock collection still fits on the love seat, so clearly, there isn’t enough of it!
